This week was kinda really great. It was really nice to get
back into the normal flow of missionary work and to teach our amis who have all
come back from vacance. We also started our French Feast of only speaking
French ALL THE TIME! And we succeeded with great success! We are speaking so
well and we cant wait to see how well we can speak at the end of the
Odile came to FHE last week, which was such a surprise, and
such a joy to see her again. Pray for her to recognize the absence of the
gospel in her life and to desire to return. We were able to spend Mardi with
Daniel for his birthday!! He is such a great ami. He is so much fun... Did I
tell you he is from Iran? He loved being with us... You may have received some
pictures from him over email, haha. He has such a tender heart. Pray for him to
keep his engagements and commit himself to baptism. For New Years we were
invited over to Marie Christine's, our ami who owns way too much crap.
Literally. We helped her again this week. She owns like 120 sweaters. She has
like 38 pairs of pajamas!! THATS NOT NECESSARY! We love her anyway, and she
made us a great steak dinner for New Years. She also fed us Foi Gras (duck
liver, very popular here) and while she was cutting it, she cut her finger. She
started to bleed... and yet she continue to cut the food!! She got blood on the
food and Soeur DO was seriously going to pass out... well Marie Christine went
to the kitchen and Soeur Richardson prayed that we wouldn't get HIV or something
crazy... but she came back after wrapping up her finger and it turns out that
she just got blood on the cloth around the foi gras. WE WERE SO RELIEVED! Pray
works. It was a fun night to say the least!
Mecredi we spent the day searching for missing less
actives... and we sadly didn't find any. We had fun still though! Our new
favorite thing to do is directly translate English songs into French and then
sing them out loud as we walk down the streets of Chambéry!! It is quite
hysterical and a great French exercise... A few of our favorites were Un
Cuillère Plein de Sucre (A spoon full of sugar), Bébé tu es un feu articifice
(Baby you're a firework), and Je resents 22 (I'm feelin 22). I highly recommend
trying this sometime. We also made a beautiful new street board this week! Its a
big wooden panel that we put stuff on and then we set it up and we contact
people with it... The one we made is covered with pictures of families, and we
put the words A Jamais across the front, which means Forever. We will find our
families and teach them!! Our street board will pull them in :)
We went to Annecy this week for District Meeting. It was
quite entertaining. We went and visit two members that are in the hospital
right now, the usual Soeur Charrut, and another widowed sister Soeur Orban.
They are both so great and such spiritual strengths for our little branch. I
love the members here... I feel the love of God SO strongly when I am with
them. We were also able to see Soeur Tabka, the inactive sister whose son died a
few weeks ago. She was doing better, and we feel like our relationship with her
is sturdy. We feel like she is on the brink of coming back, s pray for her to
have a desire and to recognize what is missing in her life.
We were able to teach our ami Josiane this week... she's the
one who has been coming to church for 5 years but isn't baptized. I asked her
what the Restoration was, and she said the Second Coming... So obviously she
comes to church, but she doesnt really understand the church. She isn't baptized
cause she isn't ready to keep the big commandments. Pray for her to allow us to
come over more so she can really feel the spirit of the gospel in her life, and
so she will develop a desire to follow the commandments.
Also, mom thank you so much for sending me that book, The
Power of the Everyday Missionary... Actually, it isn't in the missionary reading
list, so I didn't have the right to read it out here in the field... So I've had
it just sitting in my desk, and I thought to myself last week, Hey I could give
this to our branch mission leader Frere Munn, because he's from Scotland, so he
speaks English, and he would love it! So I took it to him last week, and he
came to our weekly meeting this week and brought it with him... He has read it
3 times already and has EVERYTHING marked up. He went on about how great the
ideas are for about 30 minutes and said to tell you thank you for your
inspiration to send me the book. It is going to help our little branch really
get into missionary work... Look how much good you have done mom! Thank you so
much :)
The greatest day of the week was Dimanche. Church was really
great. A man rang the door bell during first hour, so Soeur Richardson and I
went to the door to find a crazy bearded man wearing leggings, a puffy coat,
and a giant fur hat... He told us he was a member and headed up to
Priesthood... When he told us his name was Lucien Laurent, we recognized it
from the ward list. He was quite funny during our Sunday School lesson, but we
didn't think anything of it. During Sacrament meeting I turned to a member and I
asked who he was or what he was like... The members response was "you'll
see when testimonies begin."... sure enough when the stand was opened up,
he got up with a booklet, which was his testimony. He began to read and our
Branch President was stifling laughter. He took a menorah out of his backpack
and placed it on the pulpit. He said that he had found it in his garbage can
last October and knew that it was a sign from God that He was there and present
in his life. He continued on saying many crazy things that I don't wish to
recount. When he finished he picked up the menorah, held it above his hands
with two hands and declared "I know that God lives! For I saw Him when I
was 7 years old! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."... Soeur Richardson
and I were in SHOCK!! Hahahaha, it was the craziest thing I've ever seen. And then
the meeting continued as if it had never happened... Apparently this happens
once a year. Oh the crazies of France. The testimony meeting was great though.
So we did service for Mary Christine again, and then we went
out contacting. It was dark outside, so we stayed in the lighted areas of
Centre Ville. Soeur Rich and I split up and I saw three young adults walking
together. As I approached them and told them I was a missionary for Jesus
Christ, they became so excited they put down their belongings and boldly declared
they were Christians as well! Of course, I was thrilled and knew it was our
miracle for the day... well we began talking and one of them began asking me
many questions. As we told them that we believed Jesus was the Son of God, and
that He was separate from God, the young man became very angry and started
yelling at us that we were crazy! He whipped out his bible and searched for
scriptures. He asked if our salvation was secure, and we told him no, but that
we are saved by grace after all that we can do. He yelled at us some more and
his friends tried to calm him down. Soeur Richardson's tongue was tied by God,
because she lost her French, and it was a good thing because she was getting
heated. I was just smiling the whole time, remaining calm, and frankly
wondering if we should leave or not. He forced me to read scriptures out loud
and then demanded me how we could be true Christians and believe what we
believe. They told us that it is not necessary to keep the commandments as long
as we accept Christ in our hearts. It was actually a very long conversation/him
yelling at me. At the end he told me that I didn't believe the bible, I didn't
worship the real God, and that I wasn't serving Jesus Christ. I swear he stabbed
me in the heart. I burst into tears and sternly bore fervent testimony that I
am a servant of Jesus Christ and that I know He is our savior. I wished them a
good night and then Soeur Richardson and I returned home. I was so shocked. As
I thought about the experience afterwards, all I could think of was how lucky I
am to have the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I am so lucky to have
the knowledge of a living prophet, the Book of Mormon, and the true doctrine of
our Lord and Savior. I was overcome by the spirit. The spirit testified to me that
I do serve the Lord. It was a really sad and frankly scary experience, but my
testimony was solidified by this experience. I am grateful for the trials of
our lives and for all that we learn. The Lord know what He's doing. Always keep
your faith burning bright my friends!
I love you all and I hope your have a blessed week!!
Avec tout mon amour,
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